Editorial Policy

 The character and philosophy of the blog EveryChild’sGifted are shaped by the editorial guidelines and objectives stated below.

  • The blog’s informational and educational contents remain independent of any vested interest or external influences. The information provided on this blog is committed to being comprehensive and accurate in content as they are considered needful to the well being of today’s child.
  • Veracity and accuracy in the contents are an integral part of our editorial policy and we will only publish that which they believe to be true, fair and accurate. Every effort will be made to ascertain the factual accuracy of our posts.
  • All editorial content will be selected for its inherent relevance to value we place on today’s children and will not seek to appease, augment or respond to political, commercial or any other interests. In this respect, all advertisements and advertising-related material will be chosen based on their relevance to the well being of today’s child.
  • Our blog will support and promote the interest of our audiences and we shall welcome comments that are of importance to promoting the overall well being of the children which is in line with the goal of the blog.
  • Our vision will not be confined to its immediate interest; which is today’s child, but will be driven by the objective of seeking also the well being of the significant adults whose responsibly is to ensure that the children are in safe hands and are receiving the best care affordable.
  • The blog will vigorously support the interests of the underprivileged and disadvantaged children, who are deprived the opportunity of receiving quality education. Our searchlight will beam on them and we shall work hard through our publications to combat injustice meted out on them without fear or favour.
  • Our blog shall seek to bring to light sensitive issues such as gender inequality and all forms of minority and seek for ways to address them, so as to give every child an equal opportunity to excel and un-wrap their gifts and talents.
  • We shall not shy away from objective and generally constructive criticism provided such criticism is being offered in the interests of the public at large. We will encourage discussions and contributions on alternative ideas.
  • Our information aim to appeal to our audiences, our contents will be authoritative without being didactic, or being forceful; our topics will be intelligent and broad in coverage. They will aim at equipping the children with the knowledge and intelligence to express themselves freely.
  • Our contents will avoid generalisations wherever the specific is will be accurately appropriate, as we are fully aware of the individual differences that exist in children.
  • By the coverage and style infused into our contents, they will maintain a national and international flavour.
  • We promise our cherished audiences a constant research and fact-finding mission which is required to keep them abreast of happenings around the globe, as we pursue legibility, comprehension, accuracy and balance in our contents.
  • Our topics will be selected with our goal in mind and our surrogate writers will be conscious that their contributions should interest our audiences.
  • Unsolicited features for commercial and other vested interests will, generally, not be published.
  • Topics related to the youth will also focus on adding values to the general development of societies and expressing the views, raising questions and focusing on preoccupations of the youth in areas that will teach them how to be responsible adults.
  • Our blog will make every effort to eschew materials that are vulgar or tasteless. Such contents as irresponsible gossips, salacious writing or stories will have no place in our blog, they only takes up valuable space that could be better dedicated to more edifying issues.
  • All pictures/graphics in any form that would make our blog lifeless and dull will not be published. Our blog will only publish pictures/graphics that are lively and well composed; such will earn their place in our platform.
  • Although the interest of the child is at the heart of all our contents, but we shall protect their identifications in all publications that has to do sexual offences, whether as victims, witnesses or defendants. We shall use every trick in the book to mask their identities. Except in matters of public interest, like in cases of child abuse or abandonment.
  • We will not normally interview or photograph children on subjects involving their personal welfare in the absence of or without the consent of a parent or other adult who is responsible for the children.
  • Children will not be approached or photographed while at school without the permission of the school authorities.
  • This blog will not identify victims of sexual assault or publish material likely to contribute to such identification. Such exposure does not serve the legitimate interest of this blog and may bring social opprobrium to the victims and social embarrassment to their relations, family, friends, community or religious order to which they belong. We have a moral obligation to ensure that we leave no margin whatsoever that could lead to the identification of such victims.
  • We shall apply caution in the use of pictures and names and avoid publication or distribution where there is a possibility of harming the person(s) concerned unless there is a substantial public interest served by such use. There should be no identification of a person or persons in a photograph unless their identity is absolutely certain.
  • This blog will not allow any advertisement or commercial that is contrary to its ethical principles and which does not promote the course of the blog.