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Archives: Publications

09 Apr 2016

This presentation paper first gave a definition of Achievement Test as – “Any test needed to assess the achievement (success, attainment or accomplishment) in any subject with regard to a set of predetermined objectives or goals”. It goes ahead to explain the general principles of Achievement Test construction, which are- The statement of objective Specification […]

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Archives: Publications

The paper presentation is on the various career theories which explain why people behave the way they do. These theories explain the reason behind people’s choice of career and vocations. These career theories help to make sense of how individuals identify themselves and the kind of careers they choose and how others identify them. The […]

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Archives: Publications

Individual Psychology is used to refer to the psychology of Alfred Adler. Alfred Adler’s work is a value-based fully-integrated theory of personality; it encourages the development of psychologically healthy and cooperative individual, couples and families in order to effectively pursue the ideas of social equality and democratic living. Individual psychology is so named to emphasize […]

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Archives: Publications

Behavior modification is a psychological method of treating maladjustment and for changing observable behavior patterns. Alcoholism is a condition of alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is now listed in the diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder. It is characterized by maladaptive pattern of drinking alcohol which results in negative effects on a person’s life. Effects of alcohol […]

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Archives: Publications

Behavior modification is the process and procedures used to change maladaptive behaviors. In behavior modification theory, all behavior is defined as being externally controlled by agents of the environment. In this sense, both inside and outside of our body constitutes an environment. Edward Thorndike (1874-1949) – he introduced the theory of LAW OF EFFECT; it […]

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