Influence of First Church on the Worship and Adoration of Njaba Deity in Awo Omamma

Case studies of community of Awo-Omamma, Imo State, Nigeria


The study investigated the “Influence of First Church on the Worship and Adoration of Njaba Deity in Awo Omamma”.

The community of Awo-Omamma, in Oru East Local Government Area of Imo State was once believed to be snake worshippers. Njaba River is that stretch of water body which runs through the belly of Awo-Omamma town. Njaba is also a deity, represented by Eke Njaba (the sacred python). Eke Njaba is a welcome visitor and tradition forbids anyone, indigene and visitor alike, to raise a hand against it or to kill it. Anyone who violates the tradition, willingly or accidentally, must accord the snake a befitting burial surpassing that of a titled man to cleanse the land he has polluted. To the outsiders, Awo-Omamma was very fetish, and it was frightening to have anything to do with the people from the community, even marrying them. It can be noted that the reverence and worship of the snake in Awo Omamma is greatly disappearing from the community, as the people are fast embracing the Christian faith. The advent Christianity could be traced back to the time the missionaries came into the town and built the first church. The presence of the first church situated in Ubachima village in Awo Omamma did a marvellous work in the life of the people in the community, especially in the area of making them to be free from the bondage of the Njaba Deity. The first converts fought real hard to see that the worship of the snake, Eke Njaba was abolished, hence this gave rise to the popular song that was often sang, "Eke gbalaga, ndi choochi abiala igbugi" (Eke flee for your life, the Christians are coming to kill you) and as if responding to the call to alert by the people, Eke Njaba has retreated far into the forests such that today, it is very rarely seen at all, let alone within the vicinity of human habitation. This victory could be attributed to the first church in Awo Omamma.

Early in the mornings teachers from neighboring communities assembled at Ubachima ( Ama Amanfo). These teachers were warned to refrain from idol sentiments and interference with pagans. This continued to take place until about 1928. Awo-Omamma central school was established in 1934. These early Christians were meeting regularly, trekking for miles to Ihiala and Ubachima for meetings. Under the mission, the central school could only take up standard 1 to 4. The pupil stagnated after standard four (4) because government did not approve the school to standard five (5). Some of the pupils had to leave the school to various destinations to continue. In 1941 the school was approved to Standard Six. Those who passed the Standard Six in 1940 were recalled to approved schools in order to get the government certificate. It is strongly believed that the disappearance of the Eke Njaba, actually began with the advent of Christianity in Awo-Omamma, after some of the indigenes converted to Christianity and began to kill the snake, damming the consequences and the implications this could bring to them and their families. The Catholic Church took up evangelization in Awo-Omamma with the seat at Ubachima (Ama Amanfo). Then the strategy used by the missionaries to get converts was to establish schools and health centers, this they did in Awo-Omamma. They got their converts and educated them as well.

Hypothesis is used more in quantitative research than in qualitative research projects such as this because the hypothesis help to guess how related the variables are. This study did not involve any statistical formula so the stating of research hypothesis was overlooked. But in relation to the general hypothesis, there is a significant relationship between the Christianity and the fall of Idol Worship. As people become enlightened in the things of the spirit, they will begin to ask certain questions. Although some educated people and even some clergy believe in the existence of idols and that violation of the idols rules could affect a person’s life, yet these set of people cannot subject themselves to the worship of idols. Some could be as a result of pride or that they have gained enough understanding of the person of God and modern day science and they know that there is no power in idols. The so called intellectuals are able to reason and check out the truthfulness of both idol worship and Christianity, and then they will find out that Christianity has more truth than idol worship.

After their conversion, the people now saw that the dread of Eke Njaba was only in their head; they witnessed that as the early converts killed the snakes, and nothing happened to them, hence the fear of the Eke Njaba slowly wiped off from the people’s mind. Although it cannot be ascertained to what extent the early church and indeed Christianity has caused the fall of the worship of the Njaba Deity, but it is a known fact that the present Awo-Omamma is highly religious in whatever form you want it, but predominantly Catholic. Other Christian denominations also exist. Hence, the pythons have retracted to the forest, even there they are not commonly seen, and the Njaba River which was believed to defile all efforts by the government to build a bridge over it has now dried up and a bridge has been constructed over it, also the gully erosion in the area which was believed to be caused by the Njaba River goddess has been controlled. Science found out that the erosion was caused by loose soil in the area due to the massive cutting down of the trees in the area in the 1970s. With all these visible facts glaring before the Christians in Awo Omamma, they have come to realize that the Njaba Deity was only a fallacy.

It will be alarming to know that with the level of civilization going on today, even in Awo Omamma, that some people still put their faith in a snake. Some people are adherent to the fetish custom of Njaba Deity. The fact is that those people practicing such fetish religions are very few and they no longer practice it in the open as before.

From this study, I have come to the conclusion that since the advent of Christianity, which was signified by the building of the first church in Awo-Omamma influenced the fall of Njaba Deity. It is true of the song that was usually sung in those days: “Eke gbalaga, ndichoochi abiala igbugi”, which translates as “Eke flee for your life, the Christians are coming to kill you”, that the Eke should flee for its life that the Christians are coming to kill it, of a truth, since Christianity came into Awo-Omamma, the worship of the Njaba Deity began to fall and it is still falling.


Case Study of Education District II of Lagos State


This study examined the motivational factors influencing adolescents’ study habits in secondary schools in Education District II of Lagos State. A descriptive survey design was used. 200 participants, which constituted 105 males and 95 female students were sampled for the study using simple random sampling technique. Relevant data were generated for the study through two researcher-constructed questionnaires: a 20-item self-structured questionnaire on the indices of home environment, family background, teachers’ characteristics, students’ attitudes and study habits, which employed a Likert type of four rating scales. Four null hypotheses were generated and tested using the mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlational coefficient (PPMC) and one way ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance. Results obtained showed that there is a significant influence of home environment on study habits of adolescents; that there is a significant influence of family background on study habits of adolescents; that there is a significant influence of teachers’ characteristics on study habits of adolescents; and that there is a significant influence of students’ attitudes on their study habits. Based on the findings, it was recommended that: home environment should be characterized by warm and caring relationship between adults and children and friendly interaction among parents; that parents should save for the future of their children, and also to apply adequate financial measure to enhance their study habits and reading skills. Similarly, every family should maintain a good family background so that a plan to pursue a good academic career will not be disrupted; that teachers should be specifically motivated to be engrossed and involved in students’ academic growth. This will prepare the students for better future and they can be party to the economic growth of the country; and that student-teacher interaction should be promoted to enhance students’ attitudes to studying. Similarly, parents should take proper measure to monitor study status of their children at home. This is to enhance their studying habits.

One of Nigeria’s biggest industries is education. Education has touched every area of human endeavour. It is a vehicle for national development. Its importance has been consistently proclaimed by the Federal, State and Local Government. It has consequently been recognized as a means through which political, economic and social change can be achieved (FGN, 2004). The issue of poor academic performance of students is creating a vacuum in the system of education. People are beginning to visualize its effect on posterities. Causes of fluctuating performances have been attributed to poor study habits, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Study habits determine the academic achievements of students to a great extent. Students often come from different environments and localities with different levels of academic achievement. Therefore, they differ in the pattern of study habits. While some students have good reading habits, others tend to exhibit poor reading habits. Reading makes way for a better understanding of one’s own experiences and it can be an exciting voyage to self-discovery.

Most often, students perform poorly in school simply because they lack good study habits. In many cases, students do not know where to begin. Those students in high school who succeed especially well usually study alone and follow a study technique that has been worked out by them and that incorporates desirable procedures. Good health, sufficient sleep, appropriate exercise and nutritious diet are essential to achievement of good study results. Study conditions that are unfavourable include inadequate lighting, extremes of temperatures, humidity, poor posture, subnormal physical conditions and emotional disturbance and these diminished motivation-to-learn. Motivation is a necessary ingredient for learning.

Motivation causes people to behave as they do. Motivation is goal directed. It outlines the achievement and pursuit of goals. In learning, motivation is the desire to use knowledge and skills in associated learning activities. It is an enabler for learning and academic success. Motivation is a basic requirement of learning and it requires effort. However, there are some motivational factors influencing students’ study habits, skills and strategies to learn. According to Khan (2016), these factors are environment, family background, teachers, education agencies and gender. On the other hand, Williams and Williams (2012) gave the motivational factors as student, teacher, content, method/process, and environment.

The study was intended to answer the following research questions:

  • How significant is the influence of environment/home on study habits of adolescents?
  • To what extent does family background influence study habits of adolescents?
  • How significant is the influence of teachers on study habits of adolescents?
  • To what degree does adolescents’ attitude influence their study habits?

The following generated hypotheses were tested in this study.
  • There is no significant influence of environment/home on study habits of adolescents.
  • There is no significant influence of family background on study habits of adolescents.
  • There is no significant influence of teachers on study habits of adolescents
  • There is no significant influence of adolescents’ attitude on their study habits